About Sessions:

What to Expect: 

You don’t have to have it figured out, whether you’ve dabbled in

traditional talk therapy, hired a coach or  maybe you’re a personal

development/ self-help enthusiast or if all of this is new to you,

all you have to be is ready to work and invest in yourself! Step

into my “office” and I’ll take care of the rest.

The Work: 

My custom approach utilizes a variety of evidenced based modalities

in addition to body-based interventions. Body based interventions

condense what would take many months or years to accomplish

with traditional talk approaches. We utilize body-based interventions

to target the source of your symptoms and extract from the root.

This approach works to alleviate your symptoms in the present

and we then take it a step further in preparing you for your future

hence, healing the past, enjoying the present, creating the future. 

Book A Session:
